haha... long time no blog..!
it's been ages and still got nothing to say...
except that i was able to save lieu hours enough to give me a two week vacation...
unluckily i ain't allowed to use them consecutively... oh well..
at least i got a few days-off once in a while...
it's summer, and still haven't gone to the beach...
not even to a pool resort..!
it's been ages since i last went out with college friends...
mom, once told me that i should get a body massage for at least twice a month...
sure.... but that'll cost me some good bucks...
my sis-in-law is now 5 month pregnant..,
a few more weeks and we'd know if it's a boy or girl...
which reminds me..,
I wonder if my couz' delivered her baby now...
new 'bout me???
nothing... still single, and doesn't give a damn about it...
come what may.., come those who dare...