Monday, December 13, 2004

Good 'Ol Days

just got in touch with a close friend from college..
can't help but remember the 'good old days'...

we used to hang-out after school...
spending some time with each other...
fooling around and doing some crazy stuff...
moments of great laugh and fun...

it's way more than a month since i've last seen them...
since we've gone out.., together as a group...

i gues sthat's just how life is...
we've got to live our own lives after graduation..,
be busy with our chosen paths of career...
be it afar from the others...

it's just unthinkable that
we seem not to care anymore...
no time for catching-up.., as if we've forgotten...
as if those great days never existed in our life...
as if we've never been close...
like we've never been friends...

hey, guys...
i just want to be with you again...
can't we at least relive those 'good old days'..?
can't we spend even just a night to catch-up...
see how everyone is doing..?
and see how we've been.., and how we are..?

i miss you guys...
i'd be far more happy to hang-out with you again...

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